A woman with a hat and sunglasses aiming a gun

Handgun Courses

Basic Handgun Level 1

(Introduction to Handguns)

This 4 hour class introduces new shooters to semi-automatic and revolver handguns. This class will focus on firearms safety, firearms storage and transportation laws, types of handguns, handgun nomenclature and operation, ammunition, and considerations for handgun selection / purchase. We will briefly introduce students to marksmanship fundamentals (level 2 course).

To achieve our training goals and objectives, we will use a mix of lecture, demonstrations, and hands on practice. We will use both dry and live fire drills.

Students need to bring their pistol, 2 magazines, eye and ear protection, and 100 rounds of factory new ammunition.

Prerequisite: Safe and positive attitude. Ability to safely follow directions.

Basic Handgun Level 2

Marksmanship Fundamentals, Reloading, Stoppage Clearing

This 4 hour class introduces students to drawing their pistol from their holster and presenting it to the target as well improving their marksmanship fundamentals and reloading and stoppage (malfunction) clearing skills.

To achieve our training goals and objectives, we will use a mix of lecture, demonstrations, and hands on practice. We will use both dry and live fire drills.

Students need to bring their pistol, an EXPOSED holster, 3 magazines, magazine pouch / holder and 300 rounds of ammunition.

Prerequisite: Students must meet one of the following:

Successful completion of the CDS Basic Handgun Level 1 course

Proof of successful completion of an equivalent course from another NRA or USCCA certified/licensed instructor

Successful completion of an Ohio CCW course.

Basic Firearms Training instructor approval based upon student's other documented training. If you do not meet the requirements above, please call or email to request approval prior to registering for the course

Documentation (e.g. class certificate and/or qualification form) listing the other instructor's credentials is required when using that instructor's course to satisfy the prerequisite.

Basic Handgun Level 3

This 4 hour class incorporates and builds upon the skills learned in level 2. In this course, students are introduced to cover, concealment and movement. Students will learn to identify cover and concealment, how to shoot from cover, and how to tactically move, reload and clear stoppages while using cover and concealment.

To achieve our training goals and objectives, we will use a mix of lecture, demonstrations, and hands on practice. We will use both dry and live fire drills.

Students need to bring their pistol, an EXPOSED holster, 3 magazines, magazine pouch / holder and 300-350 rounds of ammunition.

Prerequisite: Students must meet one of the following:

Successful completion of Level 2 course

Proof of successful completion of an equivalent course from another NRA or USCCA certified/licensed instructor

Basic Firearms Training instructor approval based on student's other documented training. If you do not meet the requirement above, please call or email to request approval prior to registering for the course

Documentation (e.g. course certificate and/or qualification form) listing the other instructor's credentials is required when using that instructor's course to satisfy the prerequisite.

8 hour Concealed Carry Permit Course

(Information about the CCW course to get a permit in Ohio)

Course description coming soon. Scheduling for the course is happening now, contact us for more information!

In order to attend any CDS firearm course, you must be a legal US citizen and have the legal right to own and operate a firearm. Registration in a course indicates your understanding of this CDS reserves the right to refuse training to any applicant for any reason. If the application is not accepted or an event cancelled and not rescheduled, the full amount of tuition paid will be refunded within 14 days. Training may be terminated at any time without refund if your actions are deemed inappropriate by the training staff. Participants must agree to sign an Assumption of Risk document releasing CDS, LLC from any liability that may occur during the course of training or thereafter.