First Aid, CPR and Stop the Bleed™ Training

man in white t-shirt and blue pants sitting on floor
human heart scale model

Why Become Certified in Basic Lifesaving (BLS), CPR, and/or Stop the Bleed™ with CDS?

As part of our ongoing commitment to ensuring you are ready to face any challenge, CDS recommends you become certified in CPR, BLS and Stop the Bleed™.

With the Fit to Fight System™, these certifications equip individuals with critical life-saving skills that can make a significant difference in your mental and physical preparedness during emergencies.

Here are a few compelling reasons why you should add these certifications to your Personal Defense Skills:

  • Preparedness: Being able to respond immediately in a medical emergency can save lives. Whether it's a cardiac arrest, choking, or severe bleeding, timely intervention is crucial.

  • Confidence: Knowing how to handle medical emergencies can give you the confidence to act swiftly and effectively. This empowerment reduces panic and increases the chances of positive outcomes.

  • Public Safety: Certified individuals contribute to the overall safety and well-being of their communities. By being able to assist in emergencies, they provide invaluable support until professional medical help arrives.

  • Professional Development: Many professions, especially in healthcare, education, and public safety, value and sometimes require these certifications. Having them can enhance your resume and open up new career opportunities.

  • Helping Others: There is immense personal satisfaction in being able to help someone in need. Knowing that you have the skills to potentially save a life can be deeply fulfilling.

  • Legal and Ethical Responsibilities: There are Good Samaritan laws that protect individuals who provide assistance in emergencies. Being certified can increase your understanding of these laws and the ethical responsibilities involved.

These certifications are not just about acquiring skills; they are about fostering a sense of readiness, responsibility, and compassion. Whether for personal, professional, or community reasons, becoming certified in First Aid, CPR, and/or Stop the Bleed™ is a valuable investment in your family's safety and health.

What is First Aid certification with CDS?

Being certified in First Aid means you have completed our training course that equips you with the knowledge and skills to provide immediate medical assistance to someone experiencing an injury or sudden illness, including actions like controlling bleeding, performing CPR, managing choking situations, and stabilizing a victim until professional medical help arrives; essentially, it allows you to respond effectively in emergency situations and potentially save lives. Certification signifies you are qualified to respond to a variety of injuries and illnesses with appropriate first aid procedures.

What is CPR/AED certification with CDS?

Being certified in CPR/AED means that you have completed our training course that teaches you how to perform cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) and use an automated external defibrillator (AED) to help save a life during a cardiac emergency; essentially, it qualifies you to respond to someone experiencing cardiac arrest by providing chest compressions and potentially delivering an electrical shock with an AED if needed.

What is Stop the Bleed™ certification with CDS?

Being certified in "Stop the Bleed" means you have completed a training course that teaches you how to recognize and effectively control severe bleeding in an emergency situation, using techniques like applying direct pressure, packing wounds, and using a tourniquet, essentially empowering you to act as a first responder until professional medical help arrives.

Am I required to receive certification in all of these courses?

No. Although we recommend certification in all of these courses in order to be prepared for most medical emergencies, it is not required that you do so. Each course is independent and does not require completion of the other courses.

How do I become certified?

You can become certified in any or all of these programs with our certified instructors. Courses are offered on a regular basis and most certifications can be completed in less than a day. We also can provide training for work, school or church groups. Click on the red button below for more information!

What’s in your kit?

At any moment, you or someone around you could experience an injury or illness. Using basic first aid, you may be able to stop a minor mishap from turning into a major one. In the case of a serious medical emergency, you may even save a life. Thus, it is important to learn basic first aid skills, but those skills without the proper tools could prove to be useless. The first tool we all seek in such an emergency is a first aid kit.

This 1-hour class is intended to teach you how to put together a QUALITY first aid kit, because you know that thing you got at the corner drugstore?? THAT AIN'T IT!!

We’ll cover the basic requirements for a standard first aid kit as well as those needed for a trauma-focused kit. At the end of the class you will know what you need to build the kit(s) to fit your needs.

First Aid Kit Essentials Class: